Essay / The art of generosity: finding the greatness in giving...
Generosity. This is what you call it when you give, of your own wealth, whether physical like money, or mental, just by smiling at someone), to other people around you, or even to people on the other side of the world who you have no idea exist. . It can be secret or publicly announced, but as long as the intention is good, the reward is immense. Many people call themselves generous, saying they give a lot of their wealth to charity, but that doesn't necessarily mean they do so sincerely. They might just give to charity to appear nice in the eyes of society. However, putting that aside, there is a burning question that many people want to know about this general characteristic: "What makes us want to give and what is so good?" about giving? Well, that's two questions, but these two questions are very similar and therefore both need to be evaluated to give a thorough answer. Yes, everyone must ask themselves: if someone gives something of themselves, doesn't that take something away from them, without doing anything other than harming them? Well, believe it or not, there are a huge amount of equally huge benefits to being generous to everyone. And when these benefits are presented, the first part of the question will have already, essentially, been answered. Now, before we even get into that question, let's look at the history of the word "generosity." The original usage, dating back to the 16th century, comes from the Latin word generosus, meaning noble birth. It was only given to someone who belonged to the nobility, that is, they came from a noble family. However, in the 17th century the meaning began to change. From then on, the word slowly but surely began to become a title given to someone... middle of paper... a third world country, or just a few dollars to a charity; but whatever it is, have the right intention. Don't have the intention that "people will see I'm so generous if I do this and I'll become popular." Instead, the intention should be: "I am helping someone who needs it more than me, and I will also make myself happy and not guilty by doing this." ยป Now go out and make the world a better place; not only help the world, but also help yourself and others around you! Works Cited https://generosityresearch.nd.edu/news/ http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2012/09/spontaneous-giving-and-calculated greed/ http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases /2012/06/120620143251.htm http://www.spiritualityandpractice.com/practices/features.php?id=15783 http://wellness.ucr. edu/seven_dimensions.htmlhttp://www.pitt.edu/~vester/whydopeoplegive.pdf