Essay / Parental Involvement in Children's Education - 1400
Benjamin Franklin once said, “Tell me and I forget.” Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn. For a student to truly succeed, there must be some form of involvement. Parental involvement is a definite asset shared by all successful students. On the other hand, some parents sometimes blame teachers for their child's low learning potential. This is false, since learning begins at home. A child needs to learn morals, values and knowledge from books to succeed in life. After all, the average school day is only six hours a day and the child stays home much longer. Parental involvement is important because teachers and staff are not the only people a child can rely on for a good education or even to become a better person. I chose this topic because I am a parent of three children and I also think it is important for parents and future parents as well as everyone raising children. Importantly, early parental involvement in their child's education has demonstrated higher chances of academic success by overcoming differences in education that include: race, culture, economic status, education levels , age, marital status and gender. Culture impacts parental involvement because it varies from family to family and some cultures have different ideas about what is important. For example, in some cultures it is believed that children do not need their parents' involvement, because if they receive more support from their parents, they do not need their parents' help. they cannot be independent and they cannot learn the value of being self-reliant. The cultural aspect is very important when it comes to a child's education (Cheung, CM (2011)). A study conducted on parental involvement was carried out on skill learning in the United States and China. From middle of paper......ingapore. Journal of Educational Psychology, 106(1), 301-314. doi:10.1037/a0033821http://eds.a.ebscohost.com.ezlib.gatewaycc.edu:2048/ehost/detail?vid=6&sid=e01bfa0b-6904-4c06-812b-e734179e4d63%40sessionmgr4001&hid=4111&bdata=JnNpd GU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d% 3d#db=pdh&AN=2013-29638-001TOREN, N. (2013). THE MULTIPLE DIMENSIONS OF PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT AND ITS LINKS WITH THE SELF-EVALUATION AND ACADEMIC SUCCESS OF YOUNG ADOLESCENTS. Psychology in Schools, 50(6), 634-649.http://ezlib.gatewaycc.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=pbh&AN=85747131&site= ehost-liveVellymalay, (2012) Parental involvement at home: analyzing the influence of parents' socio-economic status By Vellymalay, Suresh Kumar N. | Studies in the sociology of science, March 1, 2012 http://www.questia.com/read/1G1-284552837/parental-involvement-at-home-analyzing-the-influence