Essay / The physical, social and mental obstacles in Eudora...
“A Worn Path” by Eudora Welty is a short story in which fulfills all aspects of literary connotations. Phoenix Jackson's only real motivation to continue living was to help his young grandson live. Although a multitude of literary elements and devices are present throughout the story, some of the first to be spotted have the greatest impact. Phoenix Jackson's name is revealed in the first three lines of the text and leads the reader to make an immediate assumption. She makes this journey again and again, continually, and as she nears the end of her life, she will nurture her own son back to health. Her journey to Natchez is filled with a multitude of obstacles, but can mainly be broken down into the physical, social, and mental obstacles that get in her way. Almost all of the physical obstacles Phoenix encounters are typical of a rural area. Hills, hollows, furrows and holes are part of the landscape of the great south. The hike is tedious for almost everyone, but due to Phoenix's age, it was strenuous and extremely demanding. she encounters thorny bushes, animals, a stray dog...