Essay / Benefits of Video Games - 506
Most people think that playing video games will lead you to a life of crime, delinquency, and laziness. However, the opposite is the truth. Video games can be used to improve hand-eye coordination, vision, reaction times and much more. Does this mean that children should spend all day, every day, playing? No. This happens when used correctly and in moderation. Video games actually help your motor skills and other physical aspects, contrary to popular belief. In a study done in New York, a group of surgeons played video games for 3 hours a week. while the other set played none. Video game participants made 37% fewer errors during a laparoscopic operation (controlling a small camera through a patient's body using a set of controls similar to standard video games ) and completed the operation 27% faster. In a separate study, gamers and athletes were compared. their hand-eye coordination. People who played both sports and games were the most numerous, followed by gamers, then athletes. In two separate studies, video game players had a better success rate....