Essay / Love or Bully - 1392
Do you think it is important to use corporal punishment with your children? Did your parents inflict corporal punishment on you when you made a simple mistake? “Out of 720 adults, 45% found a mark left on a child as a result of corporal punishment to be acceptable” (It's Time to End Tough Parental Love). This means that 324 adults leave traces on their children every day. Over the years, people have used belts and whips to punish their children so that they would never make the same mistake again. Children had to return to their parents with their hands held high for years until they were old enough to leave home. Other children were abandoned or simply sent to war to become soldiers so their parents would not want to care for them. Some children were even left in the hospital because they did not look the way their parents wanted. “Tough love” is a corrupt habit that affects a child’s future life; From the way parents handle the situation to the physical punishment they receive, it all contributes negatively to the life the child will live. Every day, children are victims of physical violence even if they have done nothing wrong. Even if a child received a “B” on their report card, they would consider it a diminishment of the family name. Or if the child had been blamed for something, that parent might not believe they didn't do it and would have to take responsibility for a bad action. Parents feel ashamed and avoid their children because they are not exactly what they want them to be. This includes not playing the same sport as the parent throughout their years growing up or getting the same accolades the parent did when they were in school. Or if the child doesn't go...... middle of paper ....../2013/04April/Pages/harsh-disciplne-harms-eased-by-emotional-warmth.aspx « Speerbrecker, Lillian. Tough Love: The Truth Behind the Troubled Teen Industry. Np: BookRix, 2013. Google Books. Internet. http://books.google.com/books?id=7ed1AQAAQBAJ&dq=Tough+Love+and+why+it+is +bad&source=gbs_navlinks_s “It's time to end tough parental love. » The conversation. N. p., nd Web. March 10, 2014 http://theconversation.com/time-for-an-end-to-parental-tough-love-8688 “Tough Love or Tyrannical Parenting? I hope to be coached with Ronae Jull. HOPE Coaching with Ronae Jull. Np, nd Web. March 10, 2014. http://ronaejull.com/2011/09/26/tough-love-or-bully-parenting/ “Parenting with tough love means a lot of things to a lot of people” Tough loving parents mean a lot things for many people. N. p., nd Web. March 10, 2014. http://www.preteen-thru-teenage-parenting-action-guide.com/tough-love-parenting.html