Essay / The Effects of Cheating - 1205
Many students use technology to cheat because they are able to quickly find answers online by simply searching for them. Cheating is increasing at higher rates in the United States because many high school or college students face different responsibilities, pressures, and workloads. Richard Perez Peña states in "Studies Find More Students Who Cheat": "Access to the Internet has made cheating easier, allowing students to instantly connect with answers, friends to consult, and works to plagiarize. » Plagiarism, using someone else's work as if it were your own, is the most common form of cheating in high school and college. Plagiarism occurs by failing to properly cite a source or not putting appropriate quotation marks on a quote you borrow to express your point of view. Some students don't even know what plagiarism is and do it using the technology we have today. Many professors have argued that technology is changing every day and they cannot keep up, and therefore students are using this technology to cheat. Therefore, professors try to use different websites, such as Turnitin, where students submit their work and the computer searches different files online to check for plagiarism. Plagiarism can lead a student to many problems such as,