Essay / Reflection on communication: singing, pseudo-listening...
The situation will continue to worsen and the relationship will be tense. Avoidance involves “ignoring the conflict, pretending it doesn’t really exist, or communicating indirectly about the situation.” (McCornack, 2015, p. 184) Avoiding conflict can sometimes be appropriate for the situation you find yourself in. If the relationship is short-term, sometimes it's better to avoid the problems you have with this person rather than resolve them and possibly create even greater conflict. . This can be effective, but usually is not. You can achieve the goal of getting through the day, pleasing a customer at work, or maintaining happiness throughout a customer situation. However, when using avoidance in a long-term relationship, it is possible that it will be detrimental. The more you avoid the problems you are having with a person, the more you suppress your feelings. At some point you will reach your limit and explode like a balloon. All your past frustrations will spill out left and right, hitting the other person all at once. This can cause extreme conflict and even lead to the end of the relationship itself. It's possible that this shows your respect for the other person by keeping emotions away from a potential purely professional relationship. I avoid conflicts a lot. I always knew this to be true and now, thanks to this course, it has caught my attention even more. I'm trying to improve this problem by