Essay / Oolong Tea vs. Green Tea - 531
Oolong Tea vs. Green Tea Nowadays, most people are looking for superfoods packed with awesome nutrients that provide the best possible health benefits. As you all know, there is a battle raging over the health and weight loss benefits of different types of tea. The forerunners in this battle, however, were oolong and green tea, with the latter stealing the spotlight for its positive health benefits. Nevertheless, many characteristics can also be attributed to Oolong tea, providing similar health benefits. To have a better understanding of the similarities and dissimilarities of these two types of teas, please read on...Oolong Tea vs Green Tea Although both oolong tea and green tea come from the Camellia Sinensis plant, their processing techniques are quite different, which determines their unique character. and effectiveness.Oolong TeaOolong tea or wu long, also known as “blue-green” tea, attracts tea lovers, wine lovers and other gourmets with its complexity and depth. This is why it is often called “the connoisseur’s tea”. Its widespread population...