Psychology as we know it is the scientific study of behavior (feelings, actions, etc.) and mental processes. The media, on the other hand, include televisions, radios, the Internet, newspapers and other means of disseminating information. Media psychology, as stated by the Media Psychology Research Center, is a new and emerging field, so early participants have the enthusiasm and burden to set the path. This means that there is no clear definition of media psychology. However, Tina Indaleco, in her book THE MEDIA PSYCHOLOGIST MANIFESTO, defines media psychology as a discipline of psychology that examines the impact of media on human behavior and the cognitive processes of individuals. , groups and cultures - at micro and macro levels. Stuart Fischoff goes on to state in his article Media Psychology: A Personal Essay in Definition and Purview that "media psychology is concerned with the inter- and intra-personal psychological dimensions that underlie the impact and use of any medium of communication, regardless of the nature of the subject communicated. Tina's definition highlights that the main goal of media psychology is to examine the effect of media on human behavior. The media is a very powerful tool for disseminating information and educating the public. The media can influence our behavior in positive and negative ways. It has become something we can't get rid of. Due to the influence of media, marketers now use it as a means of advertising their products to the public, especially children. .Works CitedReport of the APA Working Group on Advertising and Children's Media Psychology Research Center - The Intersection of Human Experience and Technology (http://www.childrennow.org/index .php/learn/advertising_to_children) Media Psychology - written by David Giles The Media Psychologist Manifesto - written by Tina Indaleco Media Psychology: A Personal Essay of Definition and Scope - by Stuart Fischoff Media and Youth Consumption - PATTI M .