Essay / The Lost Generation in The Swimmer, by John Cheever and...
“The Swimmer” by John Cheever and “Winter Dreams” by F. Scott Fitzgerald have many elements in common. These stories are about two rich men interacting with other rich people. As the stories progress, Neddy and Dexter search for the truth and meaning of life. These two literary works are part of the literary movement called The Lost Generation. Eventually, at the end of the stories, they both experience a sense of grief and realize that they have missed the meaning and opportunities of life. Authors use symbolism, imagery, and other literary devices to illustrate the themes of their anecdote. Fitzgerald and Cheever use aquatic imagery, such as swimming pools and the boat, to convey their stories' themes of the passage of time and the dark side of the American dream. The pools that Neddy, the main character, dives into on his way home signify the passage of time. At the beginning of the story, Neddy is a "slender man - he seemed to have the peculiar thinness of youth - and while he was far from young, he had slipped down his banister....