Essay / sagging pants - 682
The issue of sagging pants has always been controversial. Some will say that sagging is a temporary fashion statement and there is nothing wrong with that. Others would say that sagging is unprofessional and won't get you far. After all, being a black man in the United States is hard enough. We don't need additional stereotypes that we are "gang affiliated" or have no knowledge of "common decency." As defined by the Merriam Webster Dictionary, subsidence is an object that descends to a lower level. Sagging pants is a widespread controversy in our country, this issue has led to numerous campaigns aimed at preventing young men, especially black men, from wearing their pants unnecessarily low. I am against sagging pants because it is not morally right, shows a lack of discipline, and places more burdens on black men within society. Although clothing styles change from generation to generation, new fashion is always a result of old fashion. It's a cause and effect relationship: if children of this generation dress inappropriately, future generations will find it acceptable and take it even further. If clothing restrictions are enforced now, there is hope for future generations. Self-expression is important in any child's life, but self-expression should not be a detriment. In my opinion, the way this generation dresses today is definitely damaging their character and reputation. Many professionals, teachers and others find this way of dressing offensive. Parents face countless criticism, and backlash, for allowing their child(ren) to leave the home in this manner. It is also detrimental to future generations, as they follow in the footsteps of those older than them. Children learn by examination...in the middle of a sheet of paper......by having your pants fall off your butt for all the world to see. You would think that common decency would automatically come into play to alert these young men to keep their pants at the waist for work purposes. The consequences should certainly be meted out to those who cannot obey the common decency clause. Common decency is, after all, about doing what is expected of you as a human being, and looking and dressing appropriately. This generation has a very revealing style, especially with the sagging of pants. I believe that if the parents of these young children enforced that their pants stay at a certain level, a change would occur. By forcing children to follow authority, they are taught maturity and how to face different angles of life in a mature manner. Clothing restrictions will help children become more successful and approachable adults in the future..