Essay / Dental amalgams - 1858
Dental amalgams are a wonderful material that has enabled major advances in the world of dentistry. While constituting a major advance, they have also become a subject of great debate. Mercury in dental fillings is believed to cause central nervous system complications, a general decrease in well-being in some patients, and Alzheimer's disease. The dental field should incorporate safer filling materials for patients. In this article, we will examine the history of silver amalgamation and examine both the negative and null views on this issue. Throughout the history of dentistry, dentists have searched for the perfect material to aid in the treatment of the most common problem. in people's mouths, cavities. The material would also be useful in repairing chipped and broken teeth. The dentist needed a material that was strong, relatively inexpensive, easy to apply, durable and capable of limiting the growth of bacteria. At the beginning of the 19th century, French dentists discovered their miracle material: amalgam. Dental amalgam is made from a mixture of mercury and at least one other metal such as zinc, copper, tin or silver. The combinations of these metals are the basis of what gives silver amalgams their strong constitution and shiny metallic appearance. The first use of amalgam in dentistry is still quite unknown to researchers, but some claim it could date back to 659 AD in China. Before the discovery of amalgam, the dentist tried all types of materials to help restore teeth. Stone chips, resin, cork, gum, turpentine, lead, and gold were among the first materials boiled and poured onto teeth to create fillings. A dentist named Louis Regnart had the brilliant idea of...... middle of paper ......ciation, 1996. Print.Goldman DDS, Michael. Silver and mercury amalgam fillings vs. Composite fillings. 2005. Print. Grandjean, Philippe. and Pal Weihe. A new era of mercury risks. University of Odense, 1988. Print. Harris, Chapin-Aaron. (1845) The principles and practice of dental surgery. Lindsay and Blakiston. pp. 270-1. Lorscheider, Fritz L. Inorganic Mercury and the CNS. Department of Medical Physiology, 1994. Print.Ring ME. Dentistry, an illustrated history. (New York: Abrams, 1985) Stone, Mark. Solid Waste Disposal Problems Dental Amalgam. Scientific review of issues impacting dentistry, 1998. Print.Pyle, Amy. A debate on Mercury. Times Magazine, 1999. Print. Symington, Ian. Mercury Mercury poisoning at the dentist. J.Soc.Occup.Med, 1980. Print.Vimy, Murray. Mercury from maternal dental fillings. Expedited item. Internet. February 5. 2011.