Essay / Major Components of the Climate System Components
Which components of the climate system do humans impact and explain how humans impact EACH of the systems you listed. Humans impact the atmosphere through the use of fossil fuels and the burning of biomass; both processes release greenhouse gases that affect the atmosphere. We also impact the hydrosphere through the runoff of chemicals we use near water sources. Humans can also impact both the biosphere and geosphere by changing land use through urbanization, agricultural practices, and deforestation processes.4. What do we mean by the Earth's natural energy balance? Earth's natural energy balance is the process by which incoming solar radiation from the sun is reflected, absorbed, and contained. In doing so, solar radiation propagates through the Earth. Everything from clouds to greenhouse gases will impact how much solar radiation reaches Earth and what will be reflected either back into space or sent back to Earth if trapped.5 . Explain the natural greenhouse effect. The atmosphere contains gases that absorb and reflect infrared radiation. These greenhouse gases reflect solar radiation back to earth and can trap it in the atmosphere. This will cause warming of the