
  • Essay / Language Project - 897

    Language is an incredibly rich phenomenon. Because language is an essential facet of any given society, making observations is an incredibly simple and very rewarding task. My journal is organized in two ways: there are two main categories, word formation and syntax, and within these there are subcategories based on the medium from which my observations were made . The following paragraphs are a set of observations grouped by category and medium. From here we will see that the concepts of an introductory linguistics course are present in one's environment, awareness of these concepts leads to a deeper enjoyment of said environment. There are really only two types of grammatical "errors" that I've observed in everyday conversation: use of non-prescriptive grammar and sentences that have appropriate surface structure but poor deep structure. Interestingly enough, I have never heard a sentence that had both inappropriate surface structure and poor deep structure. This certainly supports the idea we discussed in class that prescriptive grammar is not really necessary for the correct formation of understandable sentences. Even fragmented sentences have clear meaning. I live in downtown Los Angeles, so I often hear fragmented sentences like "Where Disney Hall" from non-English speaking tourists looking for various landmarks. The sentences may not be formed correctly, but they give me all the information I need to help them. The use of prescriptive grammar is clearly important in the academic context, but in everyday life my observations have shown me that deep sentence structure is the only structure necessary for sentences to be understandable. I made 3 syntax: linguistic observations related middle of paper ...... that I meant that the walking of the people was graceful and beautiful like the ballet of Mikhail Baryshnikov. I think the biggest takeaway from this mission is this: linguistics is everywhere. During the process of writing this essay, I realized that I was making linguistic observations about my writing and about my other linguistic observations (this sentence itself has certain qualities of reduplication). Over the course of four weeks of my linguistic observations, I made over twenty linguistic observations, but I only included observations that could be easily related to the rest of my observations. This project allowed me to gain a deeper understanding of creating musical lyrics and also allowed me to better recognize some of the most sophisticated jokes on television. In the end, isn't that why I'm in school anyway?