Essay / Hunger in sub-Saharan Africa: the astonishing truth...
Right now, in sub-Saharan Africa, every 3 seconds, a child under five dies from AIDS and hunger, and more 90 percent of the population suffers from long-term malnutrition. (World Health Organization) Additionally, measles kills a boy almost every minute, even though a measles vaccine costs less than a dollar. (WHO, World Health Organization) “Things are moving in the wrong direction,” says Marc Cohen (International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) Washington). “If we look at sub-Saharan Africa as a whole, all projections indicate that poverty and hunger will get worse.” There are 31.1 million people without food, spread across the region surrounding Ethiopia and elsewhere. (The Christian Science Monitor, August 1, 2005) These shocking facts prompt us to ask ourselves the following question: what is happening in sub-Saharan Africa? Why will poverty and hunger worsen in countries like Ethiopia? Is there a quick solution? To understand the main point of this essay, it is essential to understand: Why is this issue important? Well, for starters, hunger and poverty are beyond comprehension for many people. However, in sub-Saharan Africa, millions of people face these difficulties every day. As members of the human race, we must be aware of the worrying need in which millions of sub-Saharan people find themselves. We must recognize their struggle to survive and commit to making an effort to know their suffering. This could be a way to start helping them. After all, helping them is our duty as moral persons, for whom the suffering of every human being cannot go unnoticed. Furthermore, putting aside the moral facts, hunger and poverty, combined with high levels of unemployment and a deep ...... middle of paper ......es and their institutions. Works Cited Abraham McLaughlin. “Hunger Spreads in Africa” The Christian Science Monitor, August 1, 2005. Print. Thilo Thielke. “Famine in Africa: There is no shortage of blame” Der Spiegel, Hamburg, Germany, February 10, 2003. Print. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. 2009. State of Global Food Insecurity 2009. http://www.fao.org/publications/sofi/en/.web. February 17, 2010. Food and Agriculture Organization. 2010. State of global food insecurity 2010. http://www.fao.org/publications/sofi/en/.web. February 17, 2010. UNHCR Global Report 2008 “Year in Review” http://www.unhcr.org/4a2d0b1d2.pdf.web. February 20, 2010World Bank. Understanding poverty. http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/PROJECTS/0,,countrycode:3A~cntry:517192~menuPK:64819306~pagePK:64392398~piPK:64392037~theSitePK:40941,00.html. Internet. FEBRUARY 20, 2010..